The Diary

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New York, Febr. 6th 1877.

Febr. 6th Tuesday.

fine day. lunch at Rathskeller, Georgies nose inflamed but coughs less am very busy with all sorts of trouble, in ev'g at Press Club Concert afterwards at L.K. sing, preside at Meeting, and afterwards at Maskensitzung, Home at 1 AM
Scene at Store with Mrs. Dachauer

Febr 7th Wed.

beautiful clear day. Our Centennial Wall in small Hall, centre piece with Centl Medals in, lunch at Schülers orders for Upright pianos coming in pretty well. At home in eve'g, writing to R.R. and Theodor & General Oliver, to bed at 11 P.M. Sleep pretty well, Georgie coughs

Febr 8th Thursday.

Am perfectly well, lunch at Schülers, Papa Dietzsch sees me in the afternoon. In ev'g at L.K. Ball. Albert & wife not there. Everything passes off very pleasantly, is a most elegant ball, I sing with Adolph & Carl Goepel, Amman in Nilson Hall, Gretchen & Ritters Abschied, am in magnificent voice, Mrs. Evers and Mrs. Tretbar there. Henry Havemeyer authorizes me to propose him as a L.K. Member. Home at 2½ AM.

Febr 9th friday.

fine clear day, papers all contain splendid accounts of Liederkranz Ball, I have a terrible Katzenjammer, lunch at Rathskeller, at 6 P.M. at LK finally fully one Hundred Members assemble. After signing the new Liederkranz Mortgage for $30.000 at 6% with Paul Goepel as Secr. Justus F. Poggenburg as Treasurer, myself as President, I hold a speech giving history of the Liederkranz with great applause, conduct affairs, which are very jolly finally leave at 10½ P.M. glad that the last two days are over