The Diary

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New York, Febr 23d 1877.


as Kompff were stupid. I feel dreadfully excited and downhearted, my left foot pains me very badly

Febr 24th sat.

Slept very little with pain, Albert sees me, tells me about yesterday. Hogan calls I give him $100. I sleep better this night In bed all day


Febr 25th Sunday.

In bed all day, left ancle still very bad, right knee & foot all right

Febr 26th Monday.

Up again in a chair in my Room. Have exciting conversation with Freund, tell him that this money business must stop, play Skat with Henry & Hy Cassebeer win 40 Cts

Febr 27th Tuesday.

Am downstairs all day Dr. Lellmann is attending me.

Febr 28th Wed.

Downstairs. It now goes into my left knee, ancle getting better

March 1st Thursday.

Mrs. Dachauer calls, tells me about letters from Maire of Albersdorf, that R.R. was away to Paris with Dachauer for a month, and that she was sent for by a lawyer (evidently by the Jew Stern, though pretending for relatives)

March 2d friday.

Much better all day, resolve to go to Store tomorrow, sleep splendidly receive John Roos assignment duly executed by R.R. Dachauer witness, Sleep splendidly

March 3d sat.

Drive to Store at 9 A.M. Bam and Baby were at a party last night, I am vely busy, and the first attempt