The Diary

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New York, April 1st 1877

April 1st Sunday.

Children greatly pleased with their Easter eggs, Am at Store from 9 AM til 1 P.M. working Taxation account, assorting & packing Theodors letters of 1875 & 76. Lunch home. Children at Cassebeers I am at Alberts afternoon & evening, sing, am in fair voice, play Skat with Albert, H. St & George Kreischer, win 3 Cents, home at 11 PM.

April 2d Monday.

Dark rainy day. Business wretched for the week past. In afternoon Telephone experiments, in evening at Steinway first Telephone Concert quite successful.

April 3d Tuesday.

fine weather, to Baader, truss releathered to Cotterill, Referees deed to Albert of Howell house 336 East 51st street (Shafer Referee.) to Rathskeller, all there also Eberstadt. Then to Tax Office, swear to our Statement, leaving net personal Taxable amount for the Corporation at $252.758.86/100 net. I take off Charles Children legacy from Grandfather entirely, and reduce the estate of Chas. St. from $75.000. to $25000 Rest remains as it is. Make also application for L.K. from $40.000. to $25.000. Also remove $15.000. each personal taxes for which Albert & I were put down. Also explain to Com. Andrews about Recks perjury in swearing that the Mortgage of $12000 was the property of his mother and three sisters. In eveg in Walküre with children and Mrs. Evers. Home at 12 oclock