The Diary

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New York, April 8th 1877.

April 8th Sunday.

Beautiful day. My right arm feels lame in elbow, wrap Flannel & Oilsilk around, to Store in forenoon, I can move the arm well take a walk in forenoon, also to Cassebeers, in afternoon uptown with George & Paula, meet Theo. Thomas and Nahum Stetson 3d there & with Albert look over his plans for converting Hippodrome into a Garden +c. I disapprove of the scheme on account of the immense expense. At 5 P.M. walk with Albert to 34th str. then by 4th Ave. cars home. Take supper George & Paula make Magic Lantern show for me After supper I spend the evening at Kreischers.

April 9th Monday.

Slept well and find Arm quite well in fact feel very light in my feet. Business very quiet. Lunch down town in Rathskeller. Mrs. Lohmann calls upon me. At 4 P.M. Fred Steins and wife & I in a carriage to Schedlers, arrive at 6 P.M. Birthday party of Neresheimer, a very pleasant and jolly evening, am in good voice and dance three or four times being very light on my feet. At 3 A.M. we drive home, viz Fred Steins, his wife, & Miß Rosetti, whom we leave at her house on 33d street. Arrive at my house 4.15 A.M. Mr & Mrs. Steins stopping at my house. Found Neresheimer quite a good singer and good reader young Kreitz a good Musician & Composer