The Diary

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New York, April 29th 1877.


there, take a walk to 4th str & stop at Cassebeers, in afternoon, with George to Alberts house, I then with to Zieglers, home for Supper, work til 10 P.M. making new pricelist on Circular +c. Have very pleasant time with my darling children

April 30th Monday.

My right Arm still affected, tip of Elbow. Take Russian bath cor. Bdway & 13th street, Carl Wilhelms to Supper with me, afterwards Engel comes, shows me article on Weber, To bed at 10½ PM

May 1st Tuesday.

Albert said to be in bed sick with chills & fever, I am at Van Santvoords office Fuller not there, I finish my testimony before Van Santvoord. Gifford having decided that our Prima facia case was fully proved and a very strong one. Lunch at Rathskeller My arm hurts me pretty badly, but still I can write & use it. In eve'g walk all the way to the LK, sing, am in fair voice only, preside, Home at 12 o'clock. Have taken some Hawthornes pills, paint elbow with Iodine.

Reduce our wholesale rates, this day

May 2d Wed.

Albert said to be quite sick yet. Lunch at Schülers, Arm still Rheumatic but a little better Bam & Baby to Barnums with Mrs. Tretbar & Evers I go uptown find Albert very sick with chills & fever take supper there, in ev'g at Essipoff Concert, then with Chas. Wilhelms, O. Lang, Mrs. Kraft & Emmy Wilhelms at Schulers, home at 11 P.M.