The Diary

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New York, May 13th 1877.

May 13th Sunday.

Beautiful bright day. Steins calls at 7 A.M. reports Dr. Sch. saying that there was again a slight improvement, but pain when taking off the water. To Store at 9 AM, Georgie Paula & Helen Cassebeer going to 9th street Church, After dinner with the Children to Grandmothers house, where they play with Hettie & Ella. I go to Zieglers, walk with Mrs. Ziegler to Alberts house We all feel dreadful, Dr. Schnetter having found Albert to perspire copiously. I leave at 11½ PM almost heartbroke, yet hoping still.


May 14th Monday.

Splendid day. Stein calls at 7 A.M. reports Albert having had a quiet night, and no worse. To my horror a despatch comes at 9.30 A.M. that Albert is dying. I jump into a Coupè drive uptown and find Louise, the boys, Dr. Schnetter bathed in tears. __ Robert Stephens reports that Albert at 9.15. AM had taken Brandy & Coffee, when soon after he breathed very heavily and at precisely 9.27. AM drew his last breath. Our excitement and anguish is indescribable, I hurry downtown again and telegraph to Theodore "Albert died this morning, you must come soon" then take will of R. R. to Brill to have photographed, take a spoonful to eat, then hurry uptown to meet J. J. Diehl, Undertaker who has been placing Alberts corpse on Ice Find Louise with her two darling children, who are weeping

Death of Albert Steinway