The Diary

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Funeral of Albert Steinway
New York, May 16th 1877.

May 16th Wed.

lies in state, very much changed in appearance Rietzels Orchestra plays Trauermarsch, then Pastor Krüsi delivers an eloquent sermon, the Liederkranz sings Schuberts Geisterchor, and while the Orchestra plays a Choral, Albert is taken to the hearse by our eight foremen. An immense concourse of people assembled at Steinway Hall the day is very warm H. Cassebeer, H. Steinway, Luther & I, first carriage Pastor Krüsi, my children & Mrs. Evers in next Carriage, we arrive at Greenwood at 4½ P.M and after Pastor Krüsi has spoken a short prayer Alberts body is placed in the open Catacomb temporarily which was reserved for my mother I again suffer intensely & cry & sob. Drive back arriving home after 6 P.M. Zieglers, H. Cassebeer & wife, and H. Steinway with us for supper & eveg Mrs. Albert Steinway & her Children with Kreischers This was one of the most terrible days of my life

May 17th Thursday.

After writing to Theo. visit Mrs. Louise A. Steinway at 51 Irving Place, she still suffers dreadfully, her children are well, I take lunch there, meet Dr. Schnetter who signs his attent. At 6 P.M. visit Louise once more, resolve to go uptown with her the next day. In eveg with documents with George W. Cotterill at Hoffmann House, consult him as to letter to be written to R. R. also about Alberts will, and my own will, home at 11½ P.M.