The Diary

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New York, May 18th 1877.

May 18th Friday.

Warm clear day. Notary Hansen takes all acknowledgements Proof of death, Dr. Schnetter Robert Stevens, Louise A. Steinway, and John J. Diehl the Undertakers statement. At 10 AM with Mrs. Louise uptown, I take Alberts Share of Stock in Steinway & Sons $363.100. & look over effects in his safe. Then I proceed down town call at Rathskeller, lunch, on Van Santvoord, on Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, get letter of credit for 30.000 francs. In eve'g at home, write letters to R. R. & Theo. Windmüller & Freund call, to bed at 11 PM.

Death of Dr. Koven in Seesen

May 19th sat.

Warm day. Rise at 5 A.M. take first Showerbath finish letters. Very busy. Old Cluett yesterday & today bothers me a good deal, Mr. Cotterill calls, we lunch together at Schülers. Busy all afternoon, in eveg with Tretbar, H. Steinway & H. A. Cassebeer, at my house, play Skat, lose 84 Cents
For some time I have been perfectly well in body wonder if this can be attributed to drinking a glass of Hollunderthee every night --- It probably helps

Proof of Alberts death to Poggenburg today

May 20th sunday.

Beautiful day. A year has elapsed since my late wife has sailed for Europe. I work at Store in the morning having seen Mrs. Louisa at Kreischers on the way. In afternoon whole family except grandmother to the farm, where it is beautiful Capt. Willigerod & Insp. Ernst there. Mrs. Luther has sore breast, was cut. Take supper home, then spend evening at Kreischers, poor Mrs. Albert St. is still almost heartbroke
