The Diary

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New York, May 24th 1877.

May 24th Thursday.

Very cold, rainy day, I slept well & leg much better, Blasius & Son stayed overnight with us, lunch at Gerths with them. Introduce Mr. Jos. Gould at Bank of the Metropolis -- Sent Candidus $1000. on account of his inheritance at his request. At home in eve'g, writing my new will, to bed at 10½ PM.

Schermerhorn Pres. Phil. Concert calls on me.

May 25th friday.

Leg a little better, can walk quite briskly lunch at Schülers, business pretty fair & finances improving, excessively busy all day, walk on 18th street in eve'g, play Skat with H. & C. Steinway, lose 36 Cents

5th Russian bath

May 26th sat.

Leg better, Receive letter from Theo. May 13th & from Mrs. D. Paris, she made a scene at Insmingen I am very much disturbed, Fred. Cluett & I lunch at Monument House, they will have to dissolve. At 1 P.M. over to Hoboken, & see Dr. Schnetter off on Steamer Neckar, Dr. Zinsser & Louis Engel also go over. Back to Store at 3 PM work til 6 P.M. At home in eveg, conversing with H. Steinway, Retire at 10 PM

May 27th Sunday.

Rheumatism nearly all gone, only a remote feeling left, work in the Store in forenoon, walk to Cassebeers, find that Henry C. & wife have gone to Kreischersville, my children visit Webers, Henry St. & I drive to Astoria & with Kroeger & Luther make a careful survey of new third story & all Iron & lumber, find everything in the best order, home at 7 P.M. spending evening with Henry Steinway Luther tells me about Meiners humbug Band Saw