The Diary

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New York, May 28th 1877.

May 28th Monday.

Beautiful day, Start out at 11 A.M. call at Surrogates Court, leave will of Albert Steinway for probate, learn that only the next of kin are cited, swear my petition as executor, take the Citations with me. Then lunch at Rathskeller, call on Van Santvoord, learn that stipulation staying suit Steinway vs. Chickering til Oct 1st has been signed, leave draft of my will at Cotterills, walk to South Ferry, take 4 o'clock, boat, meet Geo. Kreischer, take Cars to Richmond Valley Station am met by Louise A. St. & Riekchen, who are overjoyed to see me, pass evening with the Kreischer family & remain over night. Louise is a little more quiet Papa Kreischer agrees to serve the citations on her & the children

May 29th Tuesday.

Rise at 6 A.M. go through the factory with Chas. & Eddy Kreischer, at 8 A.M. take leave of the family, Hettie accompanies me to the station take 9 A.M. train, on looking at the Newspapers notice that extract from Alberts will are given in the main correct. Arrive at South Ferry, take Coupè and reach the store at 11.10 A.M. m kept busy til 4 P.M. when I proceed to the factory, look over our lumber account with Kroeger & Henry St. in the factory yard. Fr. Steins & McClane at supper with us, afterwards to L.K. where I preside at the meeting. At 11 P.M. with Emil Unger eat Oysters at Stills.

Cablegram to Theodore: Verschiebe Abreise bis August Erneuere Duplex patent durch Prillwitz Berlin" William