The Diary

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New York, May 30th 1877.

May 30th Wed.

Decoration Day. fine lovely weather, I am pestered by Adelmann, Williams, Fickett and Nielson, who all want to rent our Mill or become Salesman or purchaseman for lumber +c Mrs. Hackett calls I show her our small Hall Van Santvoord sends stipulation with Fuller, staying Patent suit til Octbr 1st. Wamelink from Cleveland in town, having crotchety Ideas about renewing &c In afternoon with J. F. Petri & Fred. Petri & H. Steinway to Astoria, drive all over, visit Dulcken stop at Sargent & Luyster house, through Ravenswood. home at 6 P.M. Bam & baby had been with Fred. Steins to see the procession Go with Henry St. to Cassebeer, play Skat with them & Chas. Held. Dr. Scharlau & wife there, home at 11 P.M. win $1.07--

May 31st Thursday.

letter from Theodore in answer to death cablegram. Papa Kreischer calls, and tells me that he made affidavit this forenoon of service on Louisa A. Steinway & her two children, in the Surrogates Court, lunch at Schülers. Busy all the afternoon, at home in eve'g, with H. Steinway, learn that Mrs. Luther is better. I write our Trade Circular to our Agents & make new wholesale pricelist. George & Paula have been all along making great preparations for Georgies birthday which is to be celebrated next sunday.