The Diary

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New York, June 13th 1877.

June 13th Wed.

Excessively busy. Vandyke calls at my house regarding Bristow. Prof. Watson of Ann Arbor conversation, will rectify the Weber matter in published reports Wm. Dean, counsel for Mrs. D. also calls, explains that she has written him to go on with Suit. Authorize Moffitt to renovate family Vault at Greenwood for $340 At home in evening. Carl Wilhelms & Oscar Lang to supper with us. Afterwards C. Steinway & Henry Cassebeer, play Skat, lose 99 Cents. Therese Heilmann and Ellen Walsh before the Referee Goodlett as witnesses this afternoon. Find letter from R.R. which is considerably toned down, dated May 29th

In afternoon with Witkowski at his 49th street house, then to factory, look at new Woods planer.

June 14th Thursday.

Clear agreeable day. With Tretbar to Pacific Bank, deposit Power of attorney giving Tretbar signature then to Staatszeitung, with Ottendorfer, Uhl, Bissinger, Ellinger, Wesendonck, Maas, Glaubensklee to Mayor Ely's Office, Ottendorfer, Ellinger, Wesendonck & myself speak on the tuition of the German language in the Public Schools We afterwards lunch at Rathskeller together. Am at Bk. of Mtr. Meeting in afternoon. At home in eveg after walking to 13th + back, conversing with Hy St.

Ellen very sick of yesterdays Excitement

June 15th friday

Close gloomy day, take dinner with Louise A. St. & Rieke Kreischer at 51 Irving Place. Authorize her to select Wedding present of Meridan Co. for me for her two brothers. See Bissinger at German Savings Bk tell him to retain Schneider as porter, also about Janitress

Meiners calls him to call again