The Diary

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New York, June 25th 1877.


threatening to bring suit for $3000. for a Band saw which the late Albert Steinway took on trial. Go with 3.50 P.M. boat from 11th street. Meet Henry St. at Astoria Ferry, we then sail around Rikers Island, look at factory, decide to put up immense letters on factory, "Steinway" so that it can be plainly seen from the Soundboats, had Georgie with us. At 10½ P.M. the "Sängerrunde" comes with Calcium lights, serenades me, we go to the Plateau, have a keg of beer, they sing quite nicely stay there til 12, I make also short speeches to them

| Tell Meiners jr. before Tretbar, Hempsted Grunow, C. St. that I have no objection against his father completing the test
Constantin Schmidt & family move to Astoria

June 26th Tuesday.

Coachman Stein, who came over yesterday with one horse, drives H. Cassebeer & me to boat, landing at 11th str. reach Store at 8.05 A.M. am called upon by Mr. Ernest Hall 261 Bdway Room 38. calls on me on behalf of Geo. W. Bristow, saying that the latter will do all he can to undo the falsehoods of Weber. At 7 P.M. Receive Mrs. Louisa A. St. & Chas. St. at Gr. C. Depot, take them to Monico where we take Supper, she stays over night at my house

June 27th Wed.

Excessively busy all day, take 4.40 boat at 23d street, reach Stone house at 6 P.M. after seeing Stringham, who can also be witness as to Alberts arrangements with Meiners. Had quite a long talk with Cotterill about R. R. & the Meiners affair, he takes lawyers Badgers letter to consider the answer. In eveg play Skat with Ch St. & H. Cassebeer, win 28 Cents