The Diary

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New York, June 28th 1877.

June 28th Thursday.

In buggy with H. St. to factory, see mother, then to Normal College where I see the most interesting closing exercises, busy all day, with 4.40 boat & H. Cassebeer to Astoria, stop a moment at Rassigas after supper, drive up with Bam & baby & Henry Cassebeer to Closing exercises of Steinway School, held in the barn of our Sargent house, from 7½-10 P.M. very interesting, children very much amused. At my house during day.

C. Schmidt tells me that Emmy Wilhelms is engaged to Rathmann

June 29th friday.

Cool pleasant day. lunch at Rathskeller, work in store til 9 P.M. writing to Theo. & R. R. & send her pictures of George & Paula. To Summer Nights festival of L.K. at Jones Wood, they sing "Von der Wiege bis zum Grabe" fairly. Home at 12 oclock.

June 30th sat.

Our men at Store work overtime, so that we get off a large number of old styles, and the number we have shipped during June, is probably the largest ever shipped during any one month, lunch at Schülers. At 4 P.M. am served with complaint of Meiners to be brought in the Superior Court, I send Copy of it to Mr. Cotterill at the Hoffmann House. At 4.40 via 23d street to Astoria Dulcken calls in eve'g, I arrange his giving Music lessons to my children Monday & Thursday morning. We afterwards play Skat, where I lose 25 Cents. Before card playing Mr. Dulcken & I have some Music, he playing I singing, am in very good voice