The Diary

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New York, July 20th 1877.

July 20th friday.

Raining all day. Excessively busy, writing letters to Schiedmayer, Geilfuss laid up with the Gout this week. At 4.20 take 23d street boat in a drenching rain, find Fr. Steins, Carl Wilhelms & C. Schmidt on board, to Rassigas by Car, find Williams, Judge Pierce, and the water board and Engineer there, we sing two nice Quartettes, Klebs having come in the mean time, then to Stone house, v. Holwede already there, in evening sing a number of nice Quartetts, Dulcken plays and Fred Steins sings several solos, Titus family there also Williams & wife and Luther and wife. Remain up til 12 oclock,

July 21st sat.

Heavy fog & rainy misty weather, Musquitos out in strong force, take 7.40 boat, arrive at Store 9½ A.M. Nordheimer in town, lunch with him, H. Cassebeer, H. & C. Steinway at Gerths. Send long letter & documents to Schiedmayer & Theodore by Steamer Britannic. In afternoon to factory, see Kroeger, talk over things with him, take a bath & swim out to the middle of the channel to where Georgie & Fritz Cassebeer are fishing __ and back again Play Skat in eve'g, lose one Cent. Have a talk with Christian Metzger, who had sued Boose, but find that he is too ignorant to understand that it will cost him much money and little satisfaction to be gained