The Diary

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New York, July 31st 1877.

July 31st Tuesd.

to Town via 11th str. My left elbow tip again perceptibly affected. Lunch at Rathskeller Go to Registers Office and find that Greenbank of New Brunswick has conveyed house 122 E. 52d street to John Wilson of Brooklyn, who lives at Lee Ave. No 168. Receive from Professor Watson our Certificates duly signed, send Harry Low off to Washington to obtain Hilgards signature -- To L.K. in eve'g, my left arm pains me badly. I leave at 9 P.M. get Medicine at Cassebeers, then home. In bed at 10 P.M. Annette paints & bandages my arm

Aug 1st Wed.

Slept splendidly, rise at 8½ A.M. Arm feels a little better, but I suffer with headache, evidently from the effects of the Medicine which contains salicyl. Arrived at Store received Cablegram from Theodore "Pianos bezahlt Alles unterzeichnet" meaning that Schiedmayers pianos have been paid, and he has signed the Certificates. Telegram from Droop "Professor refuses signature" +c. I have a pretty bad headache, take a little lunch at Gerths. Geilfuss calls at Warerooms, still very weak At 6 P.M. Fred Steins calls, we take supper, very lightly, at Schülers, chat with Mrs. Zaun, Rank also there. At 8 P.M. to Toussaints, meet the three Pagenstechers there, then we sing, I find myself in splendid voice, drink nothing but Water, my left shoulder slightly affected. Home at 11 PM.