The Diary

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New York, Aug 8th 1877.

Aug 8th Wed.

Fine day. My shoulder better. Have rested splendidly however. Business still exceedingly dull but few orders and little money coming in. Lunch at Gerth's. Call at Bowery Savings Bank and Bank for Savings. Blasius calls, selects 7 Pianos & pays $1817.00/100. In evening at Astoria, having driven to Woolsey with Henry St. tell him about Berrians Island, look at his Bay Window, play Skat with Henry St & H. A. Cassebeer, lose 6 Cents. Eddy Egg & Helen Cassebeer are there. Georgie swims nicely & fast.

Aug 9th Thursday.

Foggy weather, At 7 A.M. Telegram from factory to me at Astoria that Grandmother is dying, I hurry in buggy with Henry St. over to New York. Find Dorette & Jacob Ziegler & Dr. Büchner with Mother who has been unconscious since last night and slowly breathing her last. I hurry to Store, and Receive intelligence that at 10.15 AM she drew her last breath passing gently and peacefully, without the slightest pain, out of this world. I telegraph to Staatsanwalt Koch, Braunschweig "Grossmuter nach kurzer Krankheit sanft entschlafen Benachrichtige Verwandten" William Steinway. Telegraph to Louisa A. Steinway at Richfield Springs and Henry Ziegler & Charles Steinway at Schroon Lake. Arrange with Diehl funeral for saturday, Aug 11th at 1 P.M. Write Notice of death for Staatszeitung & Herald. From President Bernard

Mrs. Julia Steinway's Death