The Diary

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New York, August 10th 1877.

Aug 10th Friday.

Slept somewhat uneasily. Fine day I remain in Office all day. At 2 P.M. telegram from Phelps that General Oliver had signed all the documents, and that he, Phelps would start for home tonight. Lunch at Gerths. At 2:30 P.M. Chas. Steinway telegraphs that he and Henry Ziegler will arrive here tomorrow morning. letter from Theodore, still undecided if he will sail Aug 11th or not, his wife being sickly he may probably come with the Donau Aug 18th from Bremen. Call at Grand Central Depot at 7 P.M. Louise arrives, Oscar Weber calls, we go to Hotel Monico, take supper, then to my house, Mrs. Kate Weber also calls, Louisa is somewhat rheumatic She stays overnight at my house, sleeping in Georgies room. It is nice cool weather.

August 11th sat.

Cool beautiful day. Am at Store before 8 AM telegram from Phelps that after signing, Oliver wanted to withdraw his signature on the Steinway certificate Order Steinway Hall to be closed at 1 P.M. Lunch at my house with Papa Kreischer & Louisa A. Steinway at 12 we drive to Mothers house. At 1.10. Pastor Krüsi opens the funeral services, making an eloquent sermon closing with prayer. The entire family now residing in the U.S. is assembled. Many beautiful flowers on the Coffin which looks beautiful, is of wrought Iron same as my poor brother Alberts. The foremen act as pall