The Diary

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New York, Aug 21st 1877.

Aug 21st Tuesday.

To town at 8 A.M. via 11th street Downtown to Willard Bartlett at 11 AM with H. Steinway, who testifies as to service on his cousins in the Candidus matter, Dine with him at Max Schedlers, meet Schmidt there, Excessively busy, take boat via 23d street, Steins Wilhelms, Goepels, Stechert Ziegler, Haas, Phelps on board, at Astoria take carriage, drive Shore Road, stop at Rassigas after showing them from Tower & through the Garden Dr. Scharlau & wife arrive, we take supper being 20 persons, at 7½ P.M. the whole party from College Point arrives by tug boat Rattler, and very soon the whole party of us are in excellent spirits we sing Quartetts, Fr. Steins sings Solos, Dulcken & Mrs. Cassebeer play, I am in fine voice, at about 10 P.M. we all assemble in the dining room and have a most glorious time, Bam & baby remaining up til after 10 P.M. At 11½ all our Visitors proceed to our Dock, embark on board the Rattler, steaming to College Point, and from there taking the others to 34th str. N.Y. & Fulton str. Brooklyn Splendid Moonlight night, the whole affair passing off with the greatest eclàt, and to the infinite delight of everybody there, having been about 60 persons present also the young betrothed couple, Mr. Schleicher, Miß Funke