The Diary

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New York, Aug 27th 1877.

Aug 27th Monday.

To town via 11th street. Learn that the Adriatic arrived at Queenstown at 10 AM today. Maxwell from London comes in, have a hasty talk with him, reports prospects splendid. I lunch at Tafelrunde, afterwards seeing Mr. Hancy at Chas. E. Strongs, who tells me that the Providence parties will loan $60.000 at 5% for 3 years to us on the 7 Corner houses viz. cor. 52d st & 4th Ave. with St & S. Wm. St & C. F. Theo Steinways Bond. At 4.40. P.M. via 23d str. to Astoria find all well but it is terribly hot Retire at 10½ P.M. lose 5 Cents in Skat

Aug 28th Tuesday.

Rheumatism nearly gone. To town via 11th str. Very hot day. In eveg with Maxwell at Schülers, take supper walk with him to L.K. I preside, afterwards downstairs, Trost celebrates 25th Anniversary of his membership, I make a speech. Home at 11½ P.M. after showing Maxwell the way to St. Nicholas Hotel. Drank much Weissbeer

talk with L. Engel at Gerth's, he confesses

Aug 29th Wed.

Very hot. Have long talk with Maxwell at Gerths while taking lunch, he explains his Ideas of renting a Steinway Hall in London, the premises working for half the profits +c. With Henry A. Cassebeer via 23d str. to Astoria. We are almost caught in a violent Storm. In eve'g play Skat with Dulcken, Chas. St. Henry A. Cassebeer, win 27 Cents.

Droop sends Weber cert. duly signed & altered by Prof. Hilgard