The Diary

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New York, Septbr. 25th 1877.

Sept 25th Tuesday.

Warm day, at Kurtz's at 10 AM to be photographed, have to go again next Thursday morning, am terribly busy all day with dead beats, Dr. Damrosch also calls take lunch home, Papa Kreischer also there Telegraph to Europe as follows: "Gebrueder Hindes Bremen, Pianos Steamer Oder zurückhalten Instructionen abwarten Steinway" Home at 6 P.M. take supper with Louisa & family, at 8 P.M. to L.K. sing a little in Waldnacht, am in splendid voice, preside, also in Kneip Room where Keppler & Schwarzman have Celebration of Pucks first birthday, being one year old Home at 12 oclock


Septbr 26th Wed.

Still no news. from Tretbar, am kept busy all day financiering, lunch home with Rieke, Georgie, Hettie & Ella. In ev'g at American Institute fair, meet Theodore wife, Dorette, C St & H. Ziegler & Mr. Theissen there Return home at 10 P.M. Mr. Gafney calls in the afternoon, I tell him all about the L. I. C. Shore R.R. Bonds.


Septbr 27th Thursday.

Very warm. At Kurtz in forenoon have my photograph taken, sitting and standing posture, lunch with Theo. Johanne, Ziegler & wife, H. Cassebeer & H. St. at Heims. To Astoria with H St. after viewing Docks from 49th str to 63d str Play Whist in evening, lose 5 Cents