The Diary

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New York, Oct 10th 1877.

Oct 10th Wed.

Silver wedding of Theodore. Grand preparations among the family for it, to take place at my house. Four Cablegrams arrive for Theodor in the morning & two in the afternoon Splendid festival commencing at 6 P.M. My Paula crowns them both _ Theodor & Johanne; says a beautiful little poem, then Georgie steps forwards and makes a speech, and the little girls hand Theo the beautiful Album of all members of the family who are in the country. We then sit down at table I make a speech, Theo. follows moving us all to tears, we remain together til 1 A.M. present My self and Georgie & Paula and Mrs. Evers, Theodor and wife, Constantin Schmidt & wife, Henry Cassebeer wife & two children & Helene Cassebeer, Riekchen Kreischer Louisa A. Steinway and her two children Ziegler, wife & Henry Ziegler, Henry & Chas. Steinway and Frederick Steins, in all 23 persons Heim delivers Wines & the dinner very finely.

Oct 11th Thursday.

All have a little Headache, am uptown taking dinner at Theodors, calling on Notary James Dixon & Womens College to perfect papers In eveg, Carl Wilhelms tells me that he is bankrupt and expects to be arrested he is dreadfully excited, I pacify him tell him he will be bailled out, go to bed at 10 P.M. and sleep well, at