The Diary

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New York, Oct 14th 1877.

Oct 14th Sunday.

Fine day, walk to Store work in forenoon, business has again been enormous all last week shipped 60 pianos, work in the forenoon and also afternoon at the Store til 4½ P.M. when Theodore calls, we walk to Henry A. Cassebeer, jr. who celebrates his 33d birthday, nice party, we play Skat, I win $1.15, Home at 10½ PM.


Oct 15th Monday.

Excessively busy, stiffness in my feet passing off. Take R.R. letters to Seyfferth to Brill to be photographed, then to Hall of Records, get Ely & Womens College deed & Mtge, with attestation clause duly written out, lunch at Rathskeller, Theodore there also, when Chas Wilhelms comes in, calling for me and getting the three Warehouse receipts back again to Cotterill assignment of Carl Wilhelms to Fritz Steins having been perfected & filed. Home in eveg, work.

Hand Hogan $100

Oct 16th Tuesday.

Slight Rheumatic touch in right Collarbone at 10 A.M. with Cotterill to factory, then with him pr. Carriage to Astoria, look at Meiners Humbug Band Saw Mill & question Stringham & Luther, back at 1½ P.M. at Theodors lunching with him, Cotterill by 3d Ave. Car to his Office. Mrs. Dachauer is at our Office calls again at 6 P.M. at our house. Paula has a bad cold. Fred. Steins takes supper with us, had much trouble & visit from Sheriff. Biedermann calls by appointment, arrange lessons for Bam + baby Wednesday afternoon & Saturday forenoon. At L.K. preside after working at office in Meiner suit, til 10 PM

loaned Mrs. D $100. Anna Deppermann died