The Diary

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New York, Octbr 23d 1877.

Octbr 23d Tuesday.

Cool clear day, Carpenters put in stairs with drawers in front of Window Tretbars desk, at Superior Court again, then at Cotterills Office, then at Max Schedlers, meet Fr. Steins, Carl Wilhelms, back to Store at 1½ P.M. with Steins Wilhelms, Rittershaus at 5 P.M. by Carriage to C. Schedlers, whose 40th birthday is celebrated, jolly party, am in only fair voice, suffering from a cold, arrive home at 2½ A.M. Steins and Wilhelms remain over night at my house

Oct 24th Wed.

Fine clear day. W. H. Williams brings in W. H. Jones of Rodman & Hepburn, who had Conversation with Albert about Meiners Band Saw & will testify to that and as expert, with H. St at Court again, Trial marked ready & passed for the day, then to Cotterills Office, then to Rathskeller where I lunch, back to Office at 1¼ P.M. We are very short of Parlorgrands, home in eve'g Theodore & wife, Ziegler & wife, H. A. Cassebeer & wife there, I have a fearful cold, to bed at 10 PM

Oct 25th Thursday.

Rise early, have to cough & sneeze badly am at factory 8 A.M. examine Kroeger, Brand & Weissenberger, elicit most important testimony from Brand who was present at the interview of Albert St. & C. Meiners. Back to Store at 9 AM Cotterill calls, am at Superior Court til 12½. Trial not reached for this term, take lunch at Rathskeller