The Diary

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New York, Novbr 12th 1877


Judge Sedgewick says he will charge Jury at 10½ A.M. tomorrow. Drive up with Cotterill to Steinway Hall. Take supper and spend evening at Mrs. Louisa A. Steinways house. Theo. the Steinway boys, Schmidt, Cassebeer and George Kreischer there. The others play Whist Chas. St. Louisa & I play Skat I win 11 Cents

Novbr 13th Tuesday.

At Court at 10½. Judge Sedgewick charges the Jury very fair and impartially The Jury withdraw at 11 A.M. I see Mrs. Ottendorfer, lunch with Mr. Cotterill at the Astor House, we then return, wait all the afternoon til 4 P.M. when the Jury appear, unable to agree & are discharged. At L.K. in eve'g preside.

Novbr 14th Wednesday.

Busy all day. Lunch at Rathskeller, see Strastny there Who tells me that the Jury stood 7 for us to 5 for the plaintiff with two of the latter uncertain. In eveg large party of relatives at my house to Supper. George Kreischer sr & I play Whist against Theo & Tretbar I lose 47 Cts

Bridge Meeting Dr. Rainy President Henry G. Schmidt Treas
Hand Hogan $50

Novbr 15th Thursday.

At noon to Bk for Savings, pay Int. and apply for reduction of Int. to 6%. Uptown, dinner with Theodor, with him, H & C. St. to Astoria, talk to Schmidt also to Stringham & George Fortune, Theodores new Capo d'astro bars for Uprights cast. In evg. Theo & wife, Riekchen & I to Booth "Rip van Winkle" given, afterwards to Delmonico, walk home