The Diary

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New York, Jan 1st 1878.

Jan 1st Tuesday.

Beautiful day. Work in the Store til 12½ oclock. Theodore takes me with him in Carriage uptown. I take dinner with him Holwede there. Walk through factory with him In afternoon with Theo & wife to Ziegler then to my house, take supper, Fritz Steins, McLean & Mr. Phallon call (Eddy Egg, Willie & Gussie Steins also there) We all go to Ottendorfers, where we stay til 10½ P.M. singing +c. am in pretty good voice.

Jan 2d Wed.

Mild day. Georgie goes to school again, on reaching store find Webers scurrilous attack upon us, Bristow and Oliver &+c in the Pittsburgh Evening Chronicle, very busy. Papa Kreischer calls on me, says he has about $25.000. which he would like us to take on Interest, I consent, I then go to the Surrogates Court, see Mr. Walltears there, produce the renunciation of Wm. Candidus & Lizzie Deppermann to letters of Administration to the estate of Wilhelmina Candidus, which is pronounced sufficient by the chief clerk. Lunch at Rathskeller, buy this Private Diary. Arrange for Mr. Phelps Tretbars & Theodors meeting at my house tonight to draw up answer to Weber