The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 22d 1878.

Jan'y 22d Tuesday,

fine day. drive in Carriage to Store busy all day, getting at Stock for the first time, & fixing up all prices on Grandpianos & others loaned out. Take my lunch in the office, have more appetite. I am still very heavy in both feet. Business is quite good for the time of the year, home in ev'g Young Dutton & Stetson with me, relative to an Agency at St. Louis for the former Sleep very nicely. .

Jan'y 23d Wed.

Fine day. My feet still very heavy Weber out in the Tribune with a scurrilous infamous article. In eve'g Theo. Chas. Steinway, Louisa A. St. for supper, afterwards Henry Cassebeer & Gustav Stechert call, we play Whist, I Win 5 Cents My knees strain somewhat and I tremble violently in bed, but sleep pretty well.


Jan'y 24th Thursday.

Clear cold day, drive to Store Knees still a little strained, send for my lunch to Gerth's. In afternoon drive to 24th str. to Simonton, take a Turpentine bath, home in evening

Jan 25th friday.

On Awakening find that Rheumatism concentrated in right knee. I take 2d bath in afternoon, which does not seem to help me any, have much pain