The Diary

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NewYork, Jan 28th 1878.

Jan 28th contd--

unknown at Tribune and evidently a swindler, who ought to be arrested +c+c

Jan 29th Tuesday.

Mr. Wass calls again & hands me a letter, tells me that Hunt the Cartman who told him the story that Hale made pianos for Weber -- is dead, that both Hale & Weber denied it, and that he therefore found the story all false

Theo & wife & H. St me in eveg play Whist, win 6 Cts

Jan 30th Wed.

A slight improvement in right ancle, Rheumatism moving back to the knee, I have spent every day in my library since & including last friday in eve'g, play Skat with Tretbar, Chas. St. & Henry Cassebeer, lose 23 Cents

Cablegram from Maxwell Julius Schiedmayer dead
letter from Emerson Hales lawyer

Jan 31st Thursday.

A man named Muldoon calls, says he has facts against Hale, was sent to me by Gordon & supposed that I had an Interest in the Music Trade Review, I tell him I have not the slightest, beyond paying for our Advt therein, & if he wants to put in any thing into the Music Trade Review, to call on J. C. Freund its sole Editor and proprietor. No doubt this man Muldoon is a spy of Jos. P. Hale Our reply to Emerson is served upon him by Harry Low at 4 P.M.

Webers lame reply as to London 1862 out in Tribune