The Diary

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New York, February 13th 1878.

Febr 13th -- continued --

Louisa A. St. who still suffers from fever -- also Capt. Bussius, of Steamer Donau, also Blasius from Phila. Tretbar, Schmidts Cassebeer jr. Play Skat & converse with J. J. Decker to no result

Febr 14th Thursday.

Adolf Goepel sails for Europe Fred. Hazelton calls, says he cannot give the bail bond. old Simpson lying sick and the Haines being out of town no alternative is left but to have Theodore sign the other bail bond, which is done in the afternoon. Papa Dietzsch spends a few hours with me. Blasius stays over night again. Retire at 9 P.M. Sleep pretty well

Fred Hazelton

Febr 15th friday.

Gradually growing better, Freund sees me and Theo. towards eve'g, tells me that Hale had also made preparations to have me arrested on the plea of appropriating letters addressed to Stanley & Sons, N.Y. but that my furnishing bail for J. C. Freund so promptly staggered them. Weber said to be dreadfully excited. Mack of the Tafelrunde also visits me. I worked diligently all day, writing to Maxwell and Boscovitz. Theo. with me til 6½. Retire at 9 P.M. Sleep well