The Diary

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New York, March 4th 1878.


at Gerths, then to German Savings Bank then back to Store, work til 10 P.M, and walk home. Sleep well

March 5th Tuesday.

Bright cold day. My 43d birthday. I am pretty well, Traces of Rheumatism in knees & feet very slight Drive to Store at 8½ A.M. Very busy all day, lunch at Rathskeller, call on F. Wiebusch who introduces me at Chatham National Bank, where I open an account as Executive of Albert Steinway, and one for Steinway & Sons. Walk home, nice birthday party at my house, all the family Tretbar & wife there, only Louisa not there, her brother George & sister Rieke having their birthday too. Play Skat with Ziegler & Henry Cassebeer jr. lose 12 Cents

March 6th Wed.

Beautiful day. Walk to Store, meet Striebeck give him $10. Very busy all day lunch at Gerth's. Business is very slow and money exceedingly hard to collect lunch at Gerths. In eve'g while writing S. H. Wardwell calls, has a long conversation with me, says Hale will be satisfied with a proper apology by Freund & desires to settle his suit against Freund I tell Wardwell that I have no connection with Freund or the M. Tr. R. but will do my best to restore peace between the two. Retire at 10½ PM