The Diary

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New York, March 9th 1878.

March 10th Sunday.

Give Klebs' boy $200/100 walk to Store at 8½ A.M. Phelps returned from the West After dinner uptown, my children to Zieglers, I to Theodore  he, Hauff, Kroeger & I, examine the Weber Upright piano 10297. find flagrant infringement of Action patent, both hangers and adjusting Screw otherwise the whole piano is a base imitation of our tall Iron Upright. Take Supper at Zieglers play Skat with H. St & H. Cassebeer, lose 17 Cts Home at 10 P.M. Sleep quite well

March 11th Monday.

Rainstorm all day. Kleinfelder calls at Webers Warerooms. See's the Uprights they offer him small Upright No. 12168 at $390 containing infringements. Calls at Hales wher they will not show him any pianos. Lunch at Gerth's. Excessively busy, Currier from Toledo here. Wardwell calls again, I tell him that I will not make any effort towards making a compromise between Hale & Freund, except Hale shows his honesty, so that I cannot advise Freund to consider the matter. Drive to Louisa house, all family there, play domino with Ch. St. & Papa Kreischer, Home at 10½ PM

March 12th Tuesday.

Theo & I justify at Supreme Court as Bondsmen of J. C. Freund, L. B. Emerson taking our deposition Call at Van Santvoord & Hauff afterwards, we then lunch at the Rathskeller. Work balance of afternoon, and also in evening placing Astoria Mortgages to resp. accounts