The Diary

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New York, March 20th 1878.


Money coming in very slowly. In evening all the family except H. St. pleasant evening play Whist with H. Cassebeer jr. Ch St. & Theod lose 20 Cents. Sleep splendidly


March 21st Thursday.

Business wretched. In the forenoon with H & Ch. St. to Merchants Exch where I buy in No 122 E. 52d street bidding up to $3000. the property is knocked down to Steinway & Sons, deed being prepared & sent to record today. Lunch with the two boys at Spahrs, home by 2 PM. at office Home in eve'g, write letters til 11 PM


March 22d friday.

Down town at 1 P.M. lunch at Rathskeller call on Wiebusch & arrange disct at Chatham Natl Bk with him. Call on Knauth Nachod & Kühne, buy draft for Dachauer 3000 francs and arrange for the sale of 5000 Marks on Berlin call also on Geo. T. Hope relative to the release of 6-8 lots from the Mtgs, on lower Steinway Avenue, Astoria. Our Stock account gets finally into shape to be signed, which is set down for tomorrow. Home in ev'g, examining Quimby's statement as expert for Chickerings and get up paper for discount tomorrow at Chatham Bank. George attends a debating ex cercise of the Boys of N. Y. College I take him there. He returns at 10 ¾ P.M. highly pleased