The Diary

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New York, April 17th 1878.

April 17th Wed.

Susan sees me having been discharged by Mrs. Evers, I allow her to advertise from the house. Michael J. Kelly, our engineer, has been discharged Yesterday, calls on me, I give him a written recommendation. Sophia Fricke writes to Chas. St. that Fred. St has gone through his "Abiturienten Examen" at Berlin successfully. In eve'g party at my house, we play whist, I lose 56 Cents

April 18th Thursday.

Fine day. Business still very slow few orders and money wretchedly uncertain Uptown in eve'g, Papa Kreischer & Rieke, at Louisas, home at 10½ PM.

April 19th friday.

Very busy all day, in eve'g at Wiebusch with Toussaint, Pagenstecher, sing Quartetts am in splendid voice, home at 12 o'clock

April 20th sat.

Discharged Gerst, when Hall closes May 16th, he must leave, eat lunch with Bam & Baby at U. Sq. Hotel, at 1½ P.M. proceed with them to Hoboken, and see Louisa A. St. her children, Papa Kreischer and Rieke Kreischer off, they sail to Germany with Steamer "Mosel" I spend evening with Theodore & wife home at 10 P.M. take a warm bath which does me a great deal of good. During the, I have to stand around a great deal & perspire copiously. Jacobs from Milwaukee & daughter also on board