The Diary

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New York, April 27th 1878.

April 27th sat.

Gloomy day, there has been a heavy run on the German Savings Bank for several days, which continues today. Ehrle comes in brings deed, tells me that Adolph Reinecke dropped dead last night. Clark the tuner calls says he lost his wife this morning, lunch at Hellers place with Adam Bräutigam & Mr. Christern. My sore throat continues, but very slightly. Home in eve'g, retire at 9½ P.M. sleep well.

Kurtz takes pictures of Bam & Baby; Bam as an Indian
S. D. Phelps sails pr. Britannic

April 28th Sunday.

At store early, work til 12, down to 4th str. to Cassebeers, lunch home with H. St. with him & Paula to Theo. we three men through the factory, the Varnish room in which we find immense stock. Afterwards to Zieglers, take supper there, at 8 P.M. after leaving Paula home, drive to L.K. Concert with H. & C. St & C. Schmidt & wife, Arminius by Max Bruch given very finely, I go home at 10½ P.M. sleep well.

Give Geilfuss & Stetson a lecture

April 29th Monday.

Rainy day, like yesterday, delegation of 6 Varnishers call on me, begging me to investigate charges & also new foreman whom they stigmatize as a scoundrel. Lunch at Hellers. News that Mr. Tretbars father died at Braunschweig, he feels dreadful about it. After supper, with Theo. who called in to St. Hall, then to G. S. Bk, have a protracted special meeting, resolve to authorize Officers to enforce 60 days notice. With Wiebusch, R. Pagenstecher & Hauselt at Monument House, home at 11 PM