The Diary

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New York, May 3d 1878.

May 4th friday saturday

Bright mild day. To store at 8 A.M. Very busy all the forenoon, Van Santvoord calls, I write letter to M. A. Decker according him an interview. Dine with Cotterill at U. Sq. Hotel, with Chas. St. over to Hoboken, see Constantin Schmidt off & introduce young Herman Remack to him, back at Store by 3 P.M. Theo calls at 5 P.M. drive up to his house with him, supper, "Tripe" spend eve'g, first by going to factory & looking at new Medium sized Upright which is just put together and seems to be a great success, then by playing Whist. Home at 10 o'clock.

May 3d friday,

Bright, but warm day, to Store at 8 A.M. very busy, downtown at noon, dine with Theo. at Rathskeller try to see Van Santvoord, not in, take boat at Fulton Ferry 1.15 P.M. to Astoria, meet Theodor his wife and H. St. look over factory, mill, return to Theo. house, after taking supper, I proceed to Pagenstechers house on 40th street, meet Wiebusch & Toussaint, sing Quartettes, am in splendid voice, home at 11½ PM.

May 5th Sunday.

Tremendous Easterly Rain storm, at store at 9 A.M. working til 1 P.M. lunch with H. St. & my children, then drive up to Theo. house, with him through factory, we three then walk to Zieglers spend eve'g, play Skat with H. St. & H. Cassebeer lose 70 Cents, Henry Ziegler quite sick. Pleurissy,