The Diary

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New York, May 31st 1878.

May 31st friday.

Fearful easterly Rainstorm all day and night, have a slight "Schnupfen" that is remote traces or symptoms of it. At 4½ P.M. by car via Williamsburg to Fred. Steins house, jolly birthday party, Fred. Steins 41 years old, Haas there too, but he sings badly out of tune, I am in pretty good voice, return by carriage at 12 oclock reach my house at 1¼ AM

June 1st sat.

Excessively busy all day. Maxwell telegraphs that we may draw for 600 Pounds, remit all the Interest to Mrs. Sophia Fricke. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. The rainstorm continues all day & eve'g. Theodor calls at my house at 8½ P.M. to Steinway Hall where in room W.7. Dulcken gives his birthday party, very jolly, meet A. Gallatin Stevens there too, sing, am in paßable voice home at 11 o'clock.


June 2d Sunday.

Moist day, to store early. Geo. H. Smith comes to store. He, I, Stetson & Tretbar talk over our intended Parlor Organ factory & agree to visit Astoria this afternoon. After lunch George, Tretbar, Stetson & I after stopping at Windsor Hotel for Mr. Stetson drive to Astoria, look at Geo. H. Smiths Organ, also at a neat little Spang Organ at Mr. Thatchers house then drive to Sargent barn & find it just the place & decide to commence making Organs there Drive back to Shop, meet Theodore, look at new Upright and new small Grand pianos. Supper at Theo, then drive to Zieglers, H. Ziegler is up. Play Scat with H. St. & H. Cassebeer, win 40 Cents Home at 10 P.M. with George!