The Diary

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New York, June 11th 1878


husband of Madame Rivè, calls wants to borrow $1000. Wedding of Krutinas daughter at Belvidere House, Theo & I there til 10½ P.M. Fr. Steins there, we sing a couple of songs, am not in very good voice

June 12th Wed.

Beautiful day. Give $10. to L. Nyncke, lunch uptown, with Theo. H. St Ch. St. to Astoria talk over business with them in the Carriage drive back to 50th str. 6th Ave. take elevated Road to 14th str. the whole family except Cassebeer & Henry Ziegler, take supper at my house. We hold Shareholders meeting, adopt By-laws elect me President & Treasurer, Theodore Vice President Chas. F. Tretbar Treasurer, & paß resolution authorizing President to sell and mortgage Real Estate. To bed at 11 PM

Death of W. C. Bryant and the Ex king of Hanover

June 13th Thursday.

Fine day. Start at 11 AM to Bank for Savings, then A. Fitch's Office, Sale of J. Ziegler Real Estate takes place & is fully closed. To my gratification notice in the Herald that Governor Robinson signed the Flushing Ave Improvement bill. Then testify before Referee Tunstall in the Gardner-Mills case. Take supper in evening at home, at 8 ½ P.M. walk to Gilmores Garden. Summernightsfestival of the L.K. It is quite a nice successful affair. Theo & wife, H. + C. St. J. Ziegler + wife there. We have box 43, can see everything well, home at 11 PM