The Diary

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New York, June 14th 1878.

June 14th friday.

Beautiful day, to store early, papers speak well of the L.K. festival, take lunch with Theodore at his house, look over Trademark with proposed design of grand A and Upright F. - Home in eve'g work til 11 o'clock fixing up all documents to be signed by Theo. tomorrow morning. Sleep well.

June 15th sat.

Beautiful day. Excessively busy til 12 oclock when Theodore comes in, signs Codicil to his will, and all other documents, Charles H. Steinway also signs his will. We then go to U. Sq. Hotel, lunch,at 1 P.M. by Car to Hoboken to Steamer Donau, where the whole family has assembled, except Cassebeers. At 3 P.M. the steamer starts, send Bam & Baby home with the ladies in the Carriage, Ziegler & I stop at a garden with Bragelmann & Grünthal, then home to store, Mrs. Rassiga executes the deed to St + Sons of the Steinway Ave. property at Astoria. G. Schirmer was also on board After supper by 6th elevated Road to South ferry, by cars to Adolph Goepel 334 Pearl str nice party, he introduces his young wife who seems to be a very nice person.. We sing, I am in fair voice, but feel a little stiff in my legs, from Overwork and exhaustion home at 12 oclock, reach my house just at 1 A.M. sleep splendidly.

Theodor, Johanna and Charles Steinway sail in Steamer Donau