The Diary

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New York, July 20th 1878.

July 20th sat.

To town via 11th street. Constantin Schmidt comes in at 8 ¾ A.M. having just arrived pr. Donau. Lunch at Hellers Loan Louis Garner $10. At 4.40 P.M. with J. Ziegler to Astoria via 23d str. Richard Schmidt is also on board remaining over night. Swimbath

July 21st Sunday.

Rainstorm in the morning, I make up our German Catalogue illustration, learn that Schmidt & Curtius are in financial trouble, & finally offer to help them with $1000. for 4 months, much to the gratification of Schmidt. In afternoon Luthers and Papa Cassebeer come. Take swimbath with George Weather grows cooler, play Skat with Ziegler & H. St. lose 15 Cents. Sleep splendidly

July 22d Monday.

Beautiful cool weather. To town via 11th street. Arriving at Store, find nothing but bad News, of Agents unable to pay, dull business +c C Schmidt; calls, has succeeded in renewing balance of large note by paying $500. I loan him $1000. at 4 mos; to 4th str. at noon, lunch at Hellers to Astoria via 23d str. boat, drive to Organ factory, also down to factory, work in eve'g.

July 23d Tuesday.

Business almost at a standstill. Joseph Kapp comes in great distress needing help, in evening stop home before going to the Liederkranz, where I play Skat with Kraemer, Glöckner and Neyman til 11 P.M. Win $1,11.