The Diary

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New York, August 9th 1878.

August 9th

It is warmer again, business continues dull to an extent that is perfectly appalling, I have never experienced anything like it, and were it not for our orders to England we would have nothing to do in the store. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. This day one year ago my beloved mother died. To Astoria at 4.40 P.M. via 23d street with Tretbar, drive to Astoria Organ Co. where things are progressing very slowly. I take a swimbath with George, work on circular to our Agents in eveg, Retire at 10½ P.M. Sleep splendidly.

Talked over things with Isaac Lewis cancellation of Mortgage

Aug 10th Sat.

Raining more or less all day, lunch at Hampe Restaurant down town, and go to Custom House to swear to an invoice from London, a burnt Grandpiano, get my hair cut, Paul F. Nicholson comes in and borrows $10. I remain in town, working til nearly 7 P.M. then taking supper at U. Sq. Hotel, at 8 P.M. with Geilfuss and Krämer at Tretbars, where we play Skat til 11 PM. I losing $1.10. Sleep very uncomfortable.

Paula with Cassebeer to Lake Oscawana
Engaged Joseph Kene as Varnishing foreman and discharged Adorno

Aug 11th Sunday.

Moist wet weather, at the office at 8½ AM work in forenoon and complete our circular to our Agents, send for the mail, check from the Continental Natl Bk for proceeds of $30.000 notes sent the day previously. At 11½ AM pr.boat via 23d street to Astoria, by car to our Mansion, find Zieglers & Tegetmayer, in afternoon, drive to Peter Luyster at Newtown, he will come on Tuesday to sign satisfaction pieces. Play Skat in eve'g with Ziegler & H. St. lose 79 Cents

Death of Charles Schedler