The Diary

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New York, Aug 21st 1878.

Aug 21st Wed.

Fine day, moderately warm, at Bk of the Metropolis in forenoon, lunch at Rathskeller, then to Tax Office and Bureau of Arrears, get bills of corner plot of 6 houses, in afternoon at factory uptown, Sommers writing down shop rules, drive with Buggy through German Settlement, find Papa Cassebeer and wife and Tante Wilhelms there who take supper with us. Storm and rain all night

Aug 22d Thursday.

With horse & buggy via 5th Ave. to N. Y. factory then by 4th Ave. Cars to Store, busy all day, to factory 53d str. in afternoon, give Friedrichs a blowing up on finding that presses of new style B. are not yet done. Drive with H. St. to Astoria, look at Trademark, order Mennich to leave out of plain flat plate new squares, the button from the keys underneath. Henry Cassebeer there, play Skat with him & H. St. lose $1.02. Sleep splendidly.

Aug 23d friday.

To town via 11th forget to land & am carried to Peck slip with H. Cassebeer, but reach store at 8.55 A.M. Lunch at Gerths, at 4½ P.M. via Wmsburgh to F. Steins house, with Klebs, nice party there, we sing splendid Quartetts with Oscar Steins. I feel very sorry for Miß McLean who is consumptive & will leave on a sailing vessel tomorrow. Drive home via Wmsbhg, taking Klebs, Miß Schmidt & Baron Galizin along to their home in Wmsbgh. Home at 12¼ AM.

Aug 24th sat.

Lovely day, Vandyke calls in the morning at my house walk to 14th street with him, tell him that he is indebted to us about $1200. & will cancel that and give him $300 Cash in full settlement if immediately accepted, he declines