The Diary

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New York, Oct 14th 1878.

Oct 14th Monday.

Fine Autumn day. Excessively busy to L.K. & back, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, take my second Steam Vapor bath at 24th street Take Supper home, at Store in eveg, afterwards at "Alhaize" Concert, Rummel plays. In afternoon Francis Bacon calls, Greeners lawyers having written to him also. At 9½ P. to Henry Cassebeer, birthday, Home at 11½ PM.

Oct 15th Tuesday.

Very busy all day, we get in a good deal of money during the day, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Work in the store all the afternoon. At L.K. in eve'g, preside at Bd. of Trustees, then at Vereins Session, propose Fred. Steinway for membership, afterwards preside at Vorstandsitzung, home at 11½ PM

Oct 16th Wed.

Fine day, though rather warm. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel after having been at factory, where I looked at style B. Agraffes in false position At home in eve'g, after registering at 230 3d Ave. Mr. Tretbar calls, we sing songs together

Oct 17th Thursday.

Lovely day. Very busy. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Charles & Fred. In afternoon with 3d Ave Elevated Road to Chatham Sq & back again. Gosche makes me a proposition in regard to Romeny, Rive King +c. which I will consider. At "Alhaiza" Concert with the four young bosses, it is all miserable, except Rummel who plays splendidly.