The Diary

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New York, Novbr 6th 1878.

Novbr 6th Wed.

Great Rejoicing throughout the City at Result of Election, take lunch at Rathskeller with Ch. St. afterwards with him at Van Santvoords to consult about letter to be written to A. Weber in relation to infringement of our Tubular A. F. Pat Home in evening playing Skat with C. St. and H. A. Cassebeer, lose $1.07 Retire at 12 o'clock

Novbr 7th Thursday.

At Store early, Henry Weisser from Buffalo arrives, I invite him to my house By way of 4th str. to Rathskeller meet Weisser and Julius Korn there, then stop at Printer Rost's for printing of Spanish catalogue, then at Ernest Halls office, in eve'g meet A. Nicholson on the way from Store, to L.K. at 8 P.M. preside at Bd. of T. Meeting and Vorstandssitzung. Henry Weisser, having a little touch, remains at house.

Novbr 8th friday.

At 8 A.M. attempt to awake Weisser, hear him breath regularly, but cannot by calling or knocking at the door, arouse him, but he comes at 10 A.M. to Store. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel In eve'g with Weisser at "Carmen", at Academy, nice performance, also with him at Steinway Hall to hear the "Red Hussars" their performance being rather mediocre. After drinking a few glasses of Pilsen beer at Thies, we go home at 12 o'clock. Weisser is quite well again.

Novbr 9th sat.

Very busy, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. Henry Ziegler, & Blasius, then by 3d Ave. elevated Road