The Diary

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New York, Novbr 23d 1878.

Novbr 23d 1878. sat.

Excessively busy in the forenoon. Gus. Grote and Joseph Kapp come in to borrow money and offer a chattel Mortgage. At 12 to Van Santvoords office meet Myron A. Decker there, who consents to and signs decree and I sign a paper releasing him from the payment of the damages. Take lunch at Rathskeller. Nahum Stetson 3d gone to Bridgewater, Mass. last night. To Philharmonic Soc. Concert, meet Lizzie Cassebeer & Chas. Kreischer and his wife there, very fine Concert, Neuendorff directs very finely. At 4 P.M. Meeting of the Flushing Ave Commißioners at my office. Resolve to prepare bill to Legislature to make Flushing Ave. 80 Feet wide. Meet Leopold Smith at 6 P.M. on way home


Novbr 24th sunday.

Beautiful day. Warm bath taken last night did me good, left foot, slight touch in muscle. To Store at 9 A.M. Get up Advert for Decbr 1st with Tretbar & Phelps. Nahum Stetson calls, the Splurge against his father was made by a director of the Comp. and Grandfather refused to make any statement. At 12½ P.M. with Bam & Baby by 3d Ave. elevated Road via Fulton Ferry, meet C. A. Zoebisch & his son on the way; we go to Oscar Lang 336 Warren str. Brooklyn, take dinner there, spend afternoon and eve'g, pleasantly. Home by elevated R.R. at 10.30 PM

Novbr 25th Monday.

To Store early, very busy, have to help F. Grote & Co. lunch with Ch. St. at U. Sq. Hotel. Zoebisch tells me that paper has been offered to their Bank. Take a Walk 18th str. to 4th street L.K. am back at 9 PM,