The Diary

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New York, Novbr 26th 1878.

Novbr 26th Tuesday.

Immensely busy, sell 11 Pianos at Retail. Dr. Corning calls, having returned from Europe; News that Steamer Pommerania sunk off Folkestone, old C. Poppenhusen is saved. Mrs. Evers with Bam & Baby at Hospital Vorstellung "Sardous "Die guten Freunde" I am with Mr. & Mrs. Lang in our Box at Remenyi Concert. Miß Wohnert arrived with Frisia I am at L.K. afterwards, sing & preside Home with H. Brandeis, eat Oysters at Stills

Novbr 27th Wed.

Rainstorm all day. At factory from 10½-12½ oclock, then eat at Zieglers, then drive to Astoria with Kroeger, look over everything there, home at 5½ P.M. by elevated R.R. in ev'eg play Skat with Chas. St. & H. A. Cassebeer win 75 Cents

Novbr 28th Thursday.

Thanksgiving day. Am at Store til 1 P.M. Mr. Lang & wife & 4 children and Mr. + Mrs. Tretbar & Miß Wohnert with us to dinner. We adults drive in two Carriages through Central Park to Schedlers, have Music & singing upstairs, take supper there, drive down Boulevard at 7 P.M. reach home at 8½ P.M. Mrs. Lang takes her children home Mr. Tretbar, Lang & I play Skat til 12 oclock win 40 Cents. My children played with Langs children in the Gramercy Park. Ernst Lück with family reported lost on the Pommerania