The Diary

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New York, Decbr 3d 1878.

Decbr 3d Tuesday.

Clear cool day, my arm more painful than yesterday, lunch very lightly at U. Sq. Hotel At factory at 4 P.M. after consultation with Sommer, Kroeger & H. St. receive the Committee of our working men, and tell them that I insist on the control, that every workman who comes too late shall give his name, and who goes away sooner to hand in his written name and branch Am at Steinway Hall in eve'g at Miß Kesslers Kinder Symphony, then at L.K. home at 10 P.M.

Decbr 4th Wed.

Mrs. Zielfelder calls, having arrived from Belleville Ills. My arm hurts me badly, Dr. Lellmann prescribes for me, I feel quite downhearted, Theodore having written a most unjust letter. I telegraph to him "Schwarzgold D. Gellert Rosewood D. F. Frisia" Go home through 18th str. meet A Nicholson on the way for a moment. In eve'g, Henry & Herman Cassebeer George Kreischer, Chas & Fred. St. Mrs. & Mr. Tretbar there. Play Skat with George Kr. & Hermann Cassebeer lose 31 Cents

Cable to Theodor

Decbr 5th Thursday.

Arm a little better, still feel very gloomy Weather very fine, but bitter cold, home in eveg to bed early, rest very tranquilly all night

Dec 6th friday.

Slight symptoms of snowing have very loose bowels and therefore have to suspend taking medicine. Statement of Follet, has sold all at 5½ pr. Ct. At home in ev'g, pass a dreadful night, my right elbow excessively painful