The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 4th 1879.

Jan 4th Sat.

Still very cold. Weber is out in the papers with a weak card signed by the Opera Co. Members, that they privately used only the Weber piano. Also that a scurrilous attack upon us in the Trade Review. Take a light dinner at U. Sq. Hotel, then to factory, where I leave order for January, then with H. St. in a piercing cold to Astoria factory, where I leave orders for plates see splendid Iron press, ready to begin steam bending on returning, take elevated road at 89th str. & in 18 Minutes to 18th str. H. St. dines with us. With him to Damroschs Symphony Concert at Steinway Hall, Rummel plays very finely, my enjoyment much marred by the sight of the Jew Stern among the audience. Home at 10½ PM

Jan 5th Sunday.

Fine day. Of late lay awake several hours every night. To Store at 9½ A.M. work til 1 P.M. read the mail In afternoon put down points in the Weber imbroglio, to Zieglers at 6 P.M. by elevated Road. Paula at Cassebeers George with H. St. sleighing, I play Skat with Ziegler H. & C. St. lose 67 Cents, return home at 11½ P.M. by horse cars

Jan 6th Monday.

Fine clear & mild day. To Store early, to 4th str. at noon, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Chas. St. I grow quite sick during the day, H. St. with me in eve'g til 10 PM have a bad cold and headache, & do not sleep very comfortably.

Jan 7th Tuesday.

Fine mild day. Walk to Store at 9 A.M. Still have bad headache. Business almost at a standstill at wholesale lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with C. St. Stetson & Dulcken. Old Grote sees me at Store, Meet A. Nicholson on the way. Remain home writing up points for Phelps in Card to Music Trade Review