The Diary

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New York, Febr. 16th 1879.

Febr 16th Sunday.

Feel quite well, to Store at 9 A.M. work til 1 P.M. instructing Felix Kraemer who starts out on a trip this evening. Sell Mrs. Seebass of Hoboken a new style B Grand piano with Console. Home to lunch, back to Store at 2 P.M. working til 5½ P.M. To Zieglers afterwards, take supper there. My children also come. Have a serious talk with Schmidt, whose goose still hangs high in regard to taking the entire business into his own hands. Play Skat with Ziegler, H. Cassebeer & Ch St. win 46 Cents

Febr 17th Monday.

Have a pretty bad cold, busy all the forenoon, to Surrogates office to Tax Office look up Webers Taxes for his Warerooms, find he is assessed $57.000. Lunch at Rathskeller, Ch. Wilhelms calls, I sign his petition or rather agreement to take 15c Cts on the Dollar. After dinner, with Bam & Baby, Ch & Fr. St & Henry Ziegler to Standard Theatre (to which I never was before) and see "Pinafore" which is a charming burlesque Opera

Ernst Evers moves from my house

Febr 18th Tuesday.

My cold nearly over, but Chas St. has to remain home with a bad cold. Lunch at Gerths. At L.K. in eve'g, "Geselliger Abend" Remenye, Vogritch and Rummel assisting, it turns out very fine indeed. Home at 12½ AM

Febr 19th Wed.

little Snow & warm, at 1 P.M. to Sackersdorfs funeral 77th street, the L.K. sings Kompff makes a very fine telling speech. In eve'g family party at my house, Amalie Rieffenstahl there, play Skat, lose 99 Cents