The Diary

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New York, March 5th 1879.

March 5th Wed.

Beautiful day, my Rheumatism nearly gone, to store early, letter from Theodore of Febr 20th in which to my horror he says that he has offered 45.000 Marks for factory and Areal My 44th birthday celebrated, 18 persons present at my house, after supper, my children, Helene and Julia Cassebeer perform several fine "lebende Bilder" We play Skat afterwards, I lose 21 Cents


March 6th Thursday.

Snowstorm in the afternoon, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. The Weber Upright comes in from Blasius, and is a well made instrument & a flagrant infringement upon our Tubular Action patent. Kroeger & I carefully examine the same At Bd of Trustee meeting in eve'g, preside, resolve to change directorship of L.K. Nembach Goepel & I appointed Com. for that purpose. Home from 3d str & Bowery by 4th Ave. Car at 10 PM.

March 7th friday.

Busy all day. Home in eve'g, working til late, learn that my Paula is laid up with the measles, Dr. Lellmann attends her

March 8th Sat.

Business both Retail & wholesale very good Money comes in freely, Henry Havemeyer sees me in regard to the Registership, I see Uhl, who tells me that Sewarts is their candidate. Lunch at Rathskeller, get my hair cut at 6 P.M. Stop at Philharmonic Concert hear Richd Hoffmann play Brull Concert upon a rather poor Chickg grand. Down to 3d str + Bowery, meet Kurz + wife, take latter to L.K. Maskenkränzchen splendid success, have long talk with Havemeyer, also make acquaintance with + of Judge Freedmans family. home at 3 AM.