The Diary

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New York, March 9th 1879.

March 9th Sunday.

Feel quite well, to Store at 9½ A.M. work til 1 P.M. At 2 P.M. back to Store, work til 6 P.M. Spent eveg at Zieglers, play Skat with him, Henry Cassebeer jr. & Ch. St. Win 65 Cents Home at 11½ PM by 4th Ave. Car

March 10th Monday.

Very warm & sunny day, Lunch at Rathskeller. Have Conversation with Ottendorfer in regard to Registership & Henry Havemeyer Paula had a bad night, feverish & vomiting but grows better and more quiet during the day. Am at Store after supper and work til 11 PM.

March 11th Tuesday.

Warm Sunny day, with Chas. St. to Auctioneer Johnson, 37 Nassau street, find bogus "Stinway" piano there, tell Johnson not to sell it which he promises Chas. Steinway present. Boscovitz in town, sign guarantee for $500 for him. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with with Ch. St. Boscovitz, Dulcken & Stetson. At 8 PM to L.K. Gesellige Abend; in the large Hall. Every thing passes off pleasantly, Mr. Schön, Rummel and Eller assisting, Steins, C. Goepel, Biedermann + I sing Liebesbann, being encored sing Mutterseelen allein afterwards sing "Tag des Herrn" & Ich geh noch Abends spät vorbei all very finely. Come home at 1 AM Fred. Steinway being with me til the end

March 12th Wed.

Feel well. Bright sunny day. Chas. St. moving from Zieglers to Stevens Building. Lunch at Kladivko's  At Courts consulting Cotterill as to affidavits explaining Wil­liams absence from the City. Then with Tretbar to